Why are the corners of my lashes lifting? January 10, 2024Mallory King Who has placed a new set of WinkClique lashes and the inner or outer corners start lifting prematurely?? This can be SO frustrating! Well, we want to ensure that your...
Taking Care of Your Natural Lashes December 27, 2023Mallory King Did you know, creating a solid foundation for your WinkClique lashes to hold on to is key in having a flawless at-home lash extension application? Here at WinkClique we understand...
EVERLY is back!! November 22, 2023Mallory King It’s Holiday season ladies! Time to dust off your favorite Holiday boots, bring out your favorite decor, and of course stock up on your favorite Holiday lash...EVERLY!She is the gift...
Love, Leighton Foundation September 01, 2023Alyssa Browning WinkClique is a Southern Utah based DIY eyelash extension company founded by Jessica and Donovan Winters in 2020. Jessica was pregnant with her daughter Leighton in 2013. The pregnancy went...
Prolonging the Lifespan of Your WinkClique Lash Extensions August 08, 2023Alyssa Browning Do you have trouble keeping your DIY eyelashes on for 7+ days? If so, this post is for you! We know how frustrating it can be to have your lashes...
Will WinkClique Lashes Damage My Natural Lashes? July 25, 2023Deborah Talbot Are you the type that loves to do ALL the research on any new beauty trend, or DIY product on the market? You’re not alone! We love that you want...
Say hello to our newest DIY lash style, Posh! July 12, 2023Alyssa Browning Hello, lash enthusiasts! Get ready to elevate your lash game to a whole new level of glamour and sophistication with our newest Winkclique lash style, Posh. Just as her...
Can You Use Mascara on Your WinkClique Eyelash Extensions? June 20, 2023Alyssa Browning We all remember the days when we spent 15 minutes standing in front of the mirror trying to separate each lash after applying 6 layers of mascara. Then halfway through...
Are WinkClique Lash Extensions Waterproof? June 06, 2023Alyssa Browning Have you ever put on a new pair or your favorite WinkClique eyelash extensions and wondered, “are these waterproof?” The short answer is, YES! HOT GIRL SUMMER, HERE YOU COME! We...
Best DIY Lash Styles for Hooded Eyes May 23, 2023Alexis Anderson Choosing the right DIY eyelash extension style for your eye shape can be confusing. But, don’t worry - we’re here to help! Keep reading to see which WinkClique DIY lashes...
WINKCLIQUE'S Ultimate Mother's Day Gift Guide May 09, 2023Alyssa Browning Mom's everywhere deserve the world! What better way to show your Mom you love her than to give her a gift as beautiful and thoughtful as she is! Whether your mom...