Love, Leighton Foundation

Love, Leighton Foundation

WinkClique is a Southern Utah based DIY eyelash extension company founded by Jessica and Donovan Winters in 2020.

Jessica was pregnant with her daughter Leighton in 2013. The pregnancy went perfectly and there were zero complications- until Leighton’s gestational age of 37 weeks. During this week, on a Saturday, Jessica noticed that Leighton was no longer moving. Under doctor’s orders, Donovan and Jessica rushed to the hospital. Leighton was delivered by emergency c-section after monitors showed her heart rate at 50bpm and dropping.

Jessica Winters laying in her hospital bed next to her daughter who was going through intensive care for recovery.

When Leighton was born, she was considered a stillborn. After receiving life saving measures for 15 minutes with no results the doctor on scene pronounced her as dead. A tag was placed on her foot and the chaplain was sent to speak with Donovan. Miraculously, Leighton suddenly returned to her body and is now a vibrant 10-year-old.

While Leighton recovered in the NICU, Donovan and Jessica accrued a bill of more than $300,000. During the process of paying off this financial burden, through the help of agencies and foundations, Donovan and Jessica developed a dream. A dream of being able to pay it forward for other families.

Baby Leighton while she was in the NICU recovering.

Jess and Donovan have 4 children. Each one of them spent time in the NICU. So, the NICU held a special place in their hearts as they came up with this idea to help other families who are in the same situation they were in. WinkClique has provided them a way to assist those other families and help those little babies.

WinkClique is founded on the principles of loving others and helping them love themselves exactly as they are. Founders Donovan and Jessica Winters are helping make this mission a reality with the establishment of two foundations. The first being, Love, Leighton.

Love, Leighton is an ode to their oldest daughter, Leighton. A love letter to her if you will. Where goods like newborn clothes, blankets, hats and bows, car seats, and gift cards for the caregivers (for meals) will be donated to the local NICU to help these precious souls.

It is a miracle that Leighton is here today. Leighton is a full personality with a vibrancy that radiates any room. It is an honor to be a part of this incredible foundation. People like Jess and Donovan bring joy and happiness wherever they go.