A Tribute to the Heart of Every Home

A Tribute to the Heart of Every Home

Mothers wear many hats such as, caregivers, teachers, counselors, and are often the backbone of the family. They juggle countless tasks with grace and resilience, from cooking meals to offering emotional support. A mother is someone who nurtures, cares for, and supports her children. She plays a pivotal role in shaping the lives of her children, providing love, guidance, and protection. Mothers often selflessly sacrifice their own needs for the well-being of their children, embodying qualities such as compassion, strength, and resilience. Mothers also serve as role models, shaping their children's values and beliefs through their words and actions.

With so much responsibility as a mother, we often put our needs and wants off to the wayside. We can sometimes lose ourselves in the midst of motherhood. For many mothers, the idea of self-care may seem indulgent or selfish. However, the truth is that taking care of yourself is essential to your overall health and happiness – and it ultimately benefits your entire family. You can't pour from an empty cup, and by prioritizing self-care, you're better equipped to show up as the best version of yourself for your loved ones.

As a young mother, owner and founder of WinkClique, Jessica Winters went seeking for a way to help find herself again. Amidst the whirlwind of diapers, feedings, and endless to-do lists, she knew she needed something to help her feel rejuvenated. Unsure what this may be, one simple question asked by her husband sparked the journey to finding a way for her to become self-reliant in her beauty routines. This would allow her to spend less time away from home and more time with her family without compromising the salon-quality services she deserved. As she mastered each treatment, she knew she struck gold when her lashes became the topic of conversation everywhere she went. Knowing how empowering it felt to answer “Me” to the question of “Who does your lashes?” She knew it could no longer be a secret.

By creating WinkClique, not only did she create luxurious salon-quality do it yourself lashes that are guaranteed to turn heads, she created a community. A place for those who may be feeling disconnected from who they once were. A safe space for growth as we walk through this journey of Motherhood. Somewhere that will embrace us as we are with open arms. A sisterhood.

It’s time for mothers everywhere to take matters into their own hands and provide themselves with unbeatable self care. To become unstoppable as they walk confidently through life knowing they have the power to deliver salon-quality eyelash extensions in the comfort of their own home. When mothers prioritize self-care, they not only benefit themselves but also create a ripple effect of positivity that extends to their families and communities. By modeling self-care, mothers teach their children the importance of valuing their own well-being. Remember, those precious little ones are watching you love yourself and priorities your needs.

Join us this Mother’s Day weekend by honoring a mother in your life, even if that is you! Starting Friday, May 10th 9am MST through Sunday, May 12th 11:59pm MST, enjoy 30% off site wide. Whether you have a new mother or veteran mother in your life looking to rejuvenate their beauty routine, now is the time to gift them the empowering feeling of a self-reliant home routine. With the amazing 7+ day hold, you will wake up looking refreshed and ready to conquer your day ahead, even if you woke up several times during the night with precious little ones.

As mothers, we often put the needs of our children and families above our own – but it's important to remember that self-care is not selfish; it's necessary. By nurturing ourselves, we become better equipped to nurture others, and we create a foundation of health, happiness, and resilience for ourselves and our loved ones.

So, take a moment today to prioritize self-care, and remember: you are worthy of love, rest, and all the goodness life has to offer.